I got the idea to write letters to my children from dooce. But I soon realized that it was her "thing" and that I didn't do it nearly as well. I wrote one to Ben when he was two months and another at six months. So now I want to do at least one for Sam so he doesn't feel left out. In addition, I now KNOW that there is not a chance in hell that I will remember this time. Before I was optimistic about my memory. Now I am plain old realistic. So here goes.
Dearest Sam:
You are now four months old and a dream. You are quite simply the loveliest baby on the block. You smile more than any other creature I have ever seen. You giggle like a pro. After we had Ben I thought we could never have a baby as easy and charming as him. But you proved us wrong. I have a feeling that you will do a great deal of this in the future.
It all began with your "scheduled" birth. It was more than disconcerting that we had an appointment for your delivery. It just felt wrong. I am sure that your future self will be none too happy that your mother picked your birthday. You did NOT want to come out of the warm womb and it took three adults pushing as hard as they could to get you to budge. But once you came out you were just about the happiest baby ever.
It is hard in the present to think of all of the silly, sweet things you do, but I will try. I love how your eyes light up when I enter the room and how you giggle so much. And you do a half cry/half laugh every time you are about to get fed. As if you are so excited, but also nervous at the same time that you will be deprived. You put everything in your mouth and I mean EVERYTHING. Your fists and thumb are of course a favorite as well as your toy Sophie the Giraffe. You are an excellent sleeper which thrills me to no end and only cry when you have a need to be met. You love to watch your big brother Ben. Everything he does fascinates you. It is already clear that you aspire to be just like him. When you and I drop Ben off at school all the kids flock around you as if you were an exotic bird. And you take this all in stride like an old man who is wise beyond belief.
You love to fall asleep on your daddy's knees in the evening after big brother Ben is already in bed. You seem delighted to be allowed the privilege of staying up late. You try to watch television every chance you get. Just like your daddy.
I love you so much Sammy. Each day I grow to appreciate you more. I am excited to see who you become. Just know that no matter what I will always love you.
Love, Mommy
Dear Sam
in portraits