I took a great photography workshop this week taught by Cheryl Jacobs. You know when you are going through life and not questioning what you are doing and/or why you're doing it? That was me. Just moving along. I feel like Cheryl made me sit up and look at things and realize that I could do them any way I wanted. It was liberating, to say the least. But what I loved most was that she is smart and funny, which is my favorite combination in a person. She even got me using my film camera again. Frankly I am sick of sitting in front of a computer all of the time. It will be nice to send the images to the lab and let them deal with them rather than spend hours in front of the computer. I think I was so infatuated with the idea that I could have TOTAL control with digital that I failed to see the downsides. I still love both, but hopefully will learn to balance the two.
But really it wasn't about technology or medium but about message. And there was a good deal of looking into why I do the things I do. And we all know how much I LOVE to talk about ME. My favorite thing she said when we were talking about the plethora of photo forums was that it was 'aesthetics by consensus'. It was a YES! moment for me.
So here's one of the photos I took during the workshop of a fantastic little girl who was one of the volunteer models. This is of course a digital photo since I have not dragged my lazy self down to the photo lab (one glitch in my new plan). This little human makes me smile just thinking about her. My favorite part of our conversation was about how her mother always believed her brother when they had a fight and never her, unless she had physical proof, like blood. Ah, childhood.