For Ben's first birthday I wanted to get a cupcake and have him blow out the candle and I could take a picture. I went to a local shi shi (how the hell do you spell that word?) bakery to get one for him. I had two choices. One was chocolate with chocolate icing and the other was white with blue frosting. I had a dilemna. Did I get the chocolate which would probably taste better to Ben? Or should I get the one with the blue frosting, which would make for a more interesting photograph? I mean, let's face it, brown just isn't that pretty sometimes.For most of you this probably seems like an easy choice. Because most of you aren't insane. For me it was agonizing becaue I had to choose between my needs and wants and what I perceived Ben's to be. Well, I passed this good mother test and bought the chocolate one, which not only did Ben not touch but also made for a crummy photo. Just goes to show that altruism doesn't pay.
Here is the photo that not only has boring color but also shows Ben's fascination with the flame pointing to his future career as an arsonist.