We live in a small house. A very small house. And we have a lot of STUFF. I feel like I am always getting rid of it and then there is always more in its place. I've studied the problem in question and I believe it is due to the fact that Josh never gets rid of things; I get rid of stuff, but constantly accumulate more; and Ben requires too much stuff. Or at least we think he does.So now I am trying to decide what to do. Part of me wants to rent a big yellow dumpster and throw it all away. That's what we did when we were kids. Every six months Dad would rent one and anything we had not used in the last six months got tossed. My brother and I used to joke that we knew if was winter or spring break from college when we would drive down the long driveway to my parents' house and there it would sit. The yellow dumpster. Josh is much better about getting rid of stuff in a 'better for the earth' kind of way. He doesn't like to waste stuff so he doesn't get rid of anything until he has a charity to donate it to, a friend who wants it, etc. While this is a noble idea, the problem is that Josh never gets around to selling the thing or calling the charity. The stuff just sits. Case in point, two weeks ago he got a new computer monitor. He wanted to donate his old CRT so he set it in the dining room. Our house is so small that EVERY piece of anything is in the way. So I prodded him to do something about it. When it still sat there I put it in our backyard and told him to get rid of it. It is still sitting in the backyard. It looks so white trash I can't even tell you. So I have decided to schedule a garage sale next month. That way at least I can get some money for my crap that I can use to buy more crap.