I have noticed that most blogs are offering new year's greetings and resolutions for what they want to achieve/change in 2008. Well, you won't find that here. It is 8:00 in the morning and I have already ripped my pajama bottoms on a loose nail we've been meaning to fix since we moved in and I have spilled my cup of coffee on the couch. Looks like the date change on the calendar will have little effect on me.
Coffee pays an important role in this house. It was one of Ben's first words. The coffee machine beeping is an important part of his day. He loves to say "coffee's ready". Josh told me a story that one of his co-workers shared about how when he came home the other day, he got a beer out of the fridge and his son said, "Oh good daddy. You've got your beer." I think that's how Ben feels about us and coffee. He know that mean mommy is 'before coffee' and patient (okay, MORE patient) mommy is 'after coffee'.
And every morning I play a little race game with the espresso maker. I try to put the milk under the steamer spout at the very last minute and if I do it too late I miss the steaming process and have to microwave the milk instead, which makes the coffee taste kind of crummy. I had to do that this morning. Ugh. I even came up with a system to put the cup on my wooden yoga block so I don't have to hold it during the steaming process. Yes. I AM THAT LAZY. I wonder if the manufacturers of the yoga block had this usage in mind? Somehow I doubt it.