We ran from one thing to another today. We did manage to make it down to Halcyon to meet up with an old friend of Josh's from SF who is here for SXSW. His name is Jon and he has a wife Heather who writes the very popular blog dooce which I have mentioned previously here and here. I met Heather for about 2 seconds and got one far away photo of here (below) but at least got a few seconds to talk with Jon who seems like a great guy. I can see why Josh is so fond of him.It was funny because Heather had arranged an informal get together with readers of dooce and I had anticipated a bunch of people sitting around some tables drinking coffee and conversing. It ended up being more like a book signing or a wedding reception where people queued up to meet her and have their pictures taken. Felt way more celebrity reverence than informal shoot the shit. Must be weird for her. It would have been for me at least. All that adoration for what? Being as fucked up as the rest of us but having the chutzpah to write about it and speak the truth? Strange culture we live in.
We also met the lovely Madeleine and her adorable daughter Eleanor (both pictured below) from SF. Their dad/husband writes the blog 43 folders. I wish I had more time to hang out there but it was on to a birthday party after that. Being a parent is exhausting.