Today our child caregiver was sick again with bronchitis. After having our husbands fill in for us yesterday we deicded to take another approach today. We would divide up the day into thirds and each take a shift taking care of two toddlers and baby Ben. I must admit that I was nervous this morning. My childcare experience was pretty vast when I was in college, but it's been a long time. A really long time.
All things considered it went pretty well. Keiko, who can be a bit obstinate seemed to have taken an angel pill this morning. Yep. I know. Where the hell can we get ahold of those? And Zora, who is generally very shy with people she doesn't know very well, seemed to have decided that I was one of her peeps. Plus I had Yuki there with her son Yoshi to help, which was a lifesaver.
There was only one hairy moment when all three children decided that they needed my attention immediately. I froze and started to choke under the pressure. But it all came out okay. I still needed to take a nap when I got home. So to all you childcare providers and teachers out there, this Bud's for you. Okay, this Sierra Nevada is for you. I don't drink that pee water.