Boy have I been a slacker lately. All I want to do is hibernate by lying in bed with a good book. Walking up the stairs has proven to be a workout. How sad is that?Turns out I do not have gestational diabetes—lucky me. Just some anemia and low thyroid count neither of which is new for me. That and a big ol' baby that will not stop moving for even one second. This is an active one and I am terrified. Ben was such an easy baby that we knew if we ever had another one we would have to pay for our earlier good fortune. This may be it. Time to pay up. I haven't picked up my camera in ages. Pregnancy is always a bit of a creative void for me. But at least pretty soon I will have some fresh meat to photograph. Get ready to see lots and lots of baby feet. My mother-in-law is trying to pressure me into giving her a delivery date so she can 'plan' her coming out here. She did this with Ben as well. Why don't people get it (especially women who have had babies)? There is NO planning their arrival. They get all the say and we get none. She is trying to come around Rosh Hashana. But even the high holidays cannot bring forth a baby that is not yet ready to come out. Ben started his new school last week. He will just be going two days per week until they have space for another full timer. It's a totally hippie school that reminds me of Berkeley. The kids all run around outside most of the day in nothing but shoes and a diaper and they do art projects all day. I came to pick him up and he was standing at the water tray in just his diaper with glitter all over him and looking very pleased. I think he will be happy there.