Stranger Than Fiction

I've decided that there really is a story in everything. They are all just waiting there waiting to be plucked up by someone. The great thing about swimming is that it affords you a good deal of time to daydream. Since there is not much to look at except other people's feet and the lines at the bottom of the pool, I start making up stories about the other swimmers' lives. And boy are there some characters there. There's the big breasted man who swims in the lane next to me who wears finns, ear plugs, a mask and a snorkel. The full regalia. It takes him 20 minutes to get into the pool. Then there's the woman in the wheelchair who is there five days a week at 6:00 am and pulls herself through the water with utter dedication. Needless to say she puts me to shame every time I start to complain about getting up at 5:30. At least I CAN get up. If I were a better writer (or frankly, just a writer) I could conjuire up some great short story about all of this. But I'm not.When I used to have a life and go to the symphony, theater, ballet etc. I would sit in the audience and wonder what the trombonist had for dinner. And do you think he eats before or after the show? Does he own his tux or rent? I know. I know. I am supposed to be listening to the music, but well, my mind wanders. And what do you think they are thinking about? They're probably wishing we would all just go home so they could get some shut eye. I was procrastinating yesterday and decided to do some google searches on things in my past. It is the most efficient time sucker I know. Next thing you know five hours have passed and all you have learned is that your ex-boyfriend from college is now a cub reporter for the Cincinnati Caller. I did manage to strike gold on a website called It is a website that discusses every aspect of martial arts ad nauseum. I studied kung fu at a local martial arts school for six years and it consumed my life and my wallet. In hindsight it was a bit of a cult and I am glad I got out when it starting going downhill. That said, I did get a great deal out of it and I was in the best shape I will ever be in (unlike now). So back to the website. Some grad student at UC Berkeley went into my alma mater and posed as a potential student and took them up on their free introductory lessons. Then he posted an entry after every one of them giving feedback on the school, teachers etc. It was 33 pages of PURE soap opera. And I ate it up. Hook, line and sinker. It's like finding a website that details every annoying things about an ex and you just can't look away. You know you should, but you just can't.