The Fog

_MG_8791_5D_0308_nc.jpg, originally uploaded by lazygirl.

The workshop ended last night at two am and now we can finally take a breather until Josh's mom gets here tomorrow. After she and his sister leave next Monday we will officially have a break and hopefully I can post the millions of things I want to, but have had no time to do. My ankle is much better and thanks to all of you who sent kind words and thoughts. I could actually put weight on it by Monday morning and went to the doctor who gave me a script for Vicadin. So something good DID come out of it. Now it's just ugly (swollen and bruised) and I hobble a bit, but not painful.

I just want to share with everyone how amazing my husband Josh is and how much help he has been to me the last few days. I know how much Josh means to me and how much I appreciate him, but it is in the moments when life gets hard that I realize how much I rely on him and how he always comes through for me. I love you baby.