Yesterday we got a bit of cabin fever so we motivated early and took Ben to the aquarium in San Francisco. He loved it, particularly see the Nemo and Dory fish. He is obsessed with 'Finding Nemo'. Did I say obsessed? I meant OBSESSED! The first words (aka commands) out of his mouth in the morning are daddy, bottle and Nemo. So a good time was had by all.
Afterwards, we went to the food court at the nearby mall. This makes it sound like any suburban mall, but the new food court at the San Francisco Centre is amazing. We had yummy Korean BBQ and then Ben and I shared a gelato, with him saying "I want more" even before I had gotten the spoon out of his mouth. He's his mommy's baby.
After we were done eating we headed out of the mall. We got off the elevator and I had a brain fart and thought we got off on the wrong level. So while I was telling Josh this in the elevator lobby Ben jumped into the elevator next to ours and the doors closed. Now I cannot even begin to describe how quickly this all happened. He was there and then he was gone. We of course FREAKED OUT. I am yelling at Josh to get security and then I hop on the elevator (there are like seven of them in a row) and am stopping at every floor. Well this monstrosity of a building has like twenty million floors. Soon I got a call from Josh who had found him back on the concourse at the food court just hanging out like he owned the world. This probably all happened in three minutes, but it was damn scary. Thank God for cell phones.
Now I know all you singletons out there are probably thinking what I would have thought. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to let your kid jump on an elevator and lose him? But I swear it was a split second. Josh summed up the whole event as being my fault for second guessing his elevator navigational skills. All I know is that I never hugged Ben so hard as I did when I caught up with him and Josh. Ben was, of course, looking like the cat who caught the canary. Little stinker.