I have no idea why I procrastinate. But I do. Again and again. Even though I know it is bad for me. There's this great AA analogy which is that we walk down the street and all of a sudden we have fallen down a manhole. Then we become more mature and self-aware and we see the manhole, but we fall down it anyway. The goal, of course, is to see the manhole and walk around it. But boy have I been stuck in the 'seeing it and still fallling flat on my ass' stage. And knowing about it beforehand makes it even worse. Ignorance is definitely bliss.If I gauge my sanity on Einstein's definition of crazy being the ol 'repeating the same thing, expecting a different outcome' model I am LOONY TUNES. Ready for the institution. So anyway, back to procrastination. I am even procrastinating from writing about procrastination. I have had two big monkeys on my back for the better part of a year or more. They were two projects that required very little actual work, but for some reason I put them off and off and off. And the longer it had been, the worse the idea of them became. But today ladies and gents I GOT THE MONKEYS OFF MY BACK! And I am so pleased. A monkeyless back is a good thing. Of course there are still a couple hanging on.