I have so many things I am supposed to be doing and I have no idea where to start. For people who have moved a long distance before our move to Austin probably seems tame. But I feel like I am preparing to move to another planet. I am starting from scratch. I have no business, no childcare, no doctor to deliver our baby and most importantly no shrink in Austin. It will be a scramble to figure it all out.Ben and I visited my parents last week in Palm Springs. My mom is such a neat freak that you could lick her floors. This makes it hard to bring a 2 year-old into this environment. I could tell they were trying to be laid back, but I could feel them cringe every time Ben started to get into something. And they are so thrilled that we will finally have a house in Austin that if they said one more time how great it was I was going to say "forget it, we're staying in Berkeley" just to be rebellious. I have a family reputation to keep up after all. It's funny because I have a bit of a lame duck syndrome happening. I can feel some friends (not all) pulling away early as if I have already left. It is strange to feel like such a ghost. Not that I don't understand the impulse, I do. It's just hard to leave everyone you know and love for the unknown and exciting too in a way. We did find out that there in no Trader Joe's in Austin. I almost canceled our going ON THE SPOT. There is, THANK GOD, an Ikea. Otherwise our house would be without furniture.