Ben has decided that he no longer wants to go back to sleep after his initial 6:15 wakeup, so it's up and at 'em bright and early. Except for Josh, who would tell an intruder "5 more minutes". He continues to sleep through lights, NPR and doggie licks. Me, I am out of bed like someone has put a gun to my head. But I must have coffee first thing or it's postal I'm a goin'.My mother-in-law arrived on Tuesday night and yesterday we spent the day mostly inside, with the exception of a short walk to the grocery store (ah, the glamorous life). The rain is making is difficult to do much of anything. It's great having her here because she asks me if she can feed Ben, as if I am doing HER a kindness. I say "Sure". Feed him, bathe him, changes his diapers, I'll be at the movies down the road if you need me. We are watching Sesame Street. I LOVE PBS. All the people who want to stop funding PBS are my mortal enemy. Are they going to come to my house and entertain my kid so I can write this blog filled with all the useless details of my existence? Priorities people!