My dear friend Frances is featured in this month's LMNOP, which is an online Austrailian magazine for parents and their children. And I am lucky enough to have had a photo I took of Frances and her youngest son published alongside the copy. Frances is a spectacular musician and if you have not yet heard her music you must and you can here. I had never heard of LMNOP until Frances told me about it and it is an amazing publication. So fun and fresh, well designed, beautiful photography, amazing clothes, toys, gifts. Isn't that cover image resplendent? So much to love. And on top of all of that it is absolutely free. So go to their site and download the latest issue. You won't be sorry. And just so her elder son Liam does not feel left out, here is his shayna punim (a Yiddish expression Josh uses meaning beautiful face).
Bonnie Berry is an Austin, Texas commercial and editorial photographer.