I used to got to the movies every weekend. Anything worth seeing out in the theaters and I was there. If my dad ever had a movie question (actor, director, year, etc) he would call me and place bets on my vs. imdb. Now when he calls with a movie question I can hear the disgust in his voice when I say, yet again, that I have not only not seen the film he is asking about, but I have not even HEARD of it. Since Ben has been born I have seen about 5 movies in the theater. Four of those were over 4 consecutive date nights Josh and I had a sitter for, until we realized that we were indeed not the Rockefellers and we could not afford a million dollars an hour for dependable childcare.So now when I hear about a new movie coming out, I go directly to netflix and save it to our queue, knowing that some day I will see it. Of course, this will be long after everyone has stopped talking about it and awards have been disbursed and discussed and deconstructed. Sigh.