I have been a bit MIA lately because I am in HELL, otherwise known as PREGNANT. Yep. We are having another one. What's that you say? Yep. We are crazy. We can barely handle (let alone afford) one and now we will have two. We need one for Ben to play with.
For all of you out there who LOVE being pregnant and have never felt better, well, you suck. Pregnancy and I do not get along. I have 24 hour/day nausea that is exacerbated by anything visual (tv, computer, reading, basically ANYTHING I like to do). So what do I do all day you ask? I lie in bed and stare at the wall.
Here's where the voices start saying "at least you can get pregnant. So many women have trouble" etc. I understand that and I feel for these women. I do. But I am talking about ME here and I am MISERABLE (not to mention how I am making Josh feel by making him do ALL the chores). So for the next seven weeks (SEVEN!!!!) I am sure that I will have stories that will have you running for your diaphragm and never leaving the condoms at home.