Some people are good at nausea and being pregnant. They continue to go to work, shower daily and dress nicely. They are valiant even in the face of constant visits to the bathroom. They are like the woman described in The Girlfriend's Guide who goes to the sing-along group of her older child, goes out to throw up and joins the group again without missing a beat of 'Wheels on the Bus'. As the author says, she is an inspiration. I am most definitely NOT this woman.I am not the woman who LOSES weight because she throws up so often. I am the one who gains a ton of weight from eating too much in order to keep the throwing up at bay. Because if there's one thing I hate, it's puking. And trust me, after many nights of heavy teenage drinking, I am a veritable expert. I am the woman that people point at and say "When do you think she last showered?" I am the one in the supermarket people think looks like crap. I AM George Constanza, wearing sweatpants and showing people that I have JUST GIVEN UP. I am not valiant in the face of adversity. I curse the world and all glowing pregnant woman for this ordeal. I am in week thirteen of HELL. And if all goes like the last pregnancy, I will soon be breaking out in a rash that will spread all over my body, itch like hell and last until the baby is born. It will then heal up only to leave big scars all over my legs and arms. At least with the last pregnancy I still thought there was a snowball's chance in hell that I could be a good mom as I watched the moving image of a baby on the ultrasound. Today I had an ultrasound and while my son was being finicky and my mom was trying to calm him down so that I could focus on the screen, I fell asleep. At least when the tech asked how many pregnancies I have had, including terminations and miscarriages, my mom already knew the answer to that question. Otherwise, that would have been a hell of an awkward moment.