Boy what a day! Just when I thought things were settling down a bit they went into overdrive. First I have a corgi who is marking all over the entire house (he's never done that before) because he is so freaked out after the move. Now I had to take Ben out of his daycare because he hates it there so I have to start that search all over again. UGH! And I am so exhausted all of the time. I practically fall asleep on my feet all day long. And Josh is out of town right now. What's a pregnant, childcare-less girl to do?Then I called my friend Stacy in California and asked her advice about the daycare thing since she knows Ben really well. He got on the phone with her and her daughter Zora (who was in his childcare share for 2 years). He was so happy to talk to them. After we hung up he seemed really melancholic so I asked him if he liked talking to Zora he said "yeah" (really quietly). Then I asked if he was sad and he said "yeah". BROKE MY LITTLE HEART IN TWO! One nice thing was that we played with Melanie and her son Grayson today. And Ben really took to Grayson. This morning I had to take him out of the daycare because he was clinging to stay with me and this afternoon he threw a FIT because he didn't want to leave Grayson. He said his name ALL THE WAY HOME except he calls him Grays. It was like being trapped in a vehicle with Marlon Brando screaming STELLA for miles.