I have a surefire way to feel inadequate in ten seconds flat. Go meet with an estate attorney and a financial planner and you will want to kill yourself immediately. No wait, you can't kill yourself. You can't afford to die.Today the mother's group I belong to met with the above mentioned professionals at Waddle and Swaddle in Berkeley. The presenters were great. They were nice and very helpful. But my God it stressed me out. All that talk about 529s, guardianships, IRAs. It's just TOO MUCH! And then there was a discussion about multiple education accounts. I am just trying to pay for next week's groceries. Not to mention that I can barely manage to get the laundry done, much less financial security. These women were talking about million dollar life insurance while they were nicely dressed in chic clothing and looking thin and fit. It was definitely a game of "which one of these is not like the others" and I was IT. Talk about a fish out of water.