This is how today's procrastination played out. I got an email from a woman I went to art achool with named Boo Weber (now Louis). We took an experimental typography class together which was taught by Jean Orlebeke. Jean and I became friends and I started working on design projects with her about 5 years ago. Since then she has really became my mentor and she is not only incredibly smart and talented, but also the most genuine person I know. She has become a huge part of my life and I cannot imagine it without her. Funnily enough she was the easiest person to leave behind in California because we speak on the phone almost every day, but even though we lived about 15 minutes from each other, we rarely saw eah other in person. So it is about the same now that I am in Texas.
Back to the email (I can even digress in a blog post). Boo now lives in the south of France in a town called Montpellier with her husband and two children. It is the same town I lived in about 15 years ago. Crazy, crazy small world. Boo mentioned that Jean's house was just featured on the designsponge blog. Jean has such a great house in the Oakland hills. Every time I visited there I would linger as long as possible, just to pretend that I lived there too. It was as close as I was ever going to get.
So after checking out the post and sending a pretend chastising email to Jean for not telling me about it, I decided to look up the photos I took of Jean a few years ago. Jean doesn't like being in front of the camera, even though she is, of course, very beautiful. I took her photo when I was just starting out and they are bad. Not of Jean. She looks great. But I clearly had no handle on the technology of my camera and little understanding of exposure. So what do I do next? Yep. I start working on the photos in Photoshop and that's what the photos above is. A reworked photos from two years ago of Jean. So let me use this public opportunity to beg Jean to let me photograph her again the next time I am in town and to do a little self-flagellation for procrastinating so shamelessly. I have just lost an hour. But it sure is a pretty picture, isn't it?