A wonderful family session in San Francisco on a beautiful Sunday morning.
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Lately I am tired. Tired of being in front of the computer all of the time. So I have started shooting more film and sending it to the lab. And when I am shooting digital I am looking to get my shots as close to perfect in camera as possible. But they have always needed some tweaking. The exposure is always a little off etc. Two days ago I picked up the camera and these came out. They are not perfect by any means, but I did not post process them at all. Not one single adjustment. They are straight out of my 5D MKII and I LOVE them.
Ben Gets New Rainboots
Ben and His Book
A Lazy Saturday
Vintage Sam
Sam the iphone Master
The Birthday Kids
Last Saturday the boys were invited to not one, but THREE birthday parties and Ben made it to all three. Sam and I only made it to two, so those are the two that have photos. First we went to Seamus' fifth birthday party at The Nature Center (Katherine's photos here). I had not yet been to the Nature Center and what a treasure it is. They had a great dino pit and the kids loved looking at all of the rescue animals housed there. After his nap, Sam and I headed to Natalie's sixth at the Simons' house. It has become an annual outdoor, bouncy castle, margarita drinking extravaganza (see last year here). Somehow they manage to get good weather every year, even in January. I think the 3 chocolate cupcakes and nothing else that Sam had for lunch (as evidenced in the photos) at Seamus' party caught up with him once we got to Natalie's because he was on a crazy kid performance tear (as evidenced in many of the photos). He then proceeded to eat about 25 pieces of cantaloupe--probably to counteract all the chocolate.Seamus' party:
Natalie's Party:
Bedtime Routine
Right Before My Eyes
This is How Sam Looked When He Came Home from School Today
Girls Trip to Tahoe
Last weekend I went to Tahoe Donner with my friends from high school. I didn't take too many photos because I was too busy drinking, eating, reading and watching dvds. Here are the few I did take. The first ones are of Jenny and Armando's daughter Eliana in their home in Reno and the next ones are their dog Chato and their cat Gato (hope I spelled those right). Gato is Spanish for cat and Chato for flat face. The poor Boston terrier gets no respect. The rest are from the weekend adventures with the grand finale being at In N Out, which I required we stop at before I left the state to come home. Then I threw in two shots from back in the day because I couldn't resist.
New Year's Eve at the Park
On New Year's Eve day we went hung out with Katherine and James and their kids as well as Lillia. Lillia's mom had just had a baby AND eye surgery to boot so we took her one day to give mom a bit of a break. We all had a great time together and it was a beautiful day. I LOVE the shots that Katherine took of the boys and I as well as the one of the three adults racing to see who could find a lunch solution the fastest on their cell phones.
At the Playground
A couple of days before Christmas we went down to Mollie's for a little impromptu playdate. Right after I got the cute one of Sam with the rake in the trees he whacked me with it on the head. A photographer's life is never easy.